Most things begin with a dream I’ve been told. I’ve had many “dreams” in my life. Some dreams became reality and some dreams are still ideas, wishes and prayers filled with hope.
A few years ago I joined a CrossFit gym, Crossfit Bluegrass. While I had participated in many high school sports, for a long period of time I did my exercise on my own. It was just easier with small kids! However, I always enjoyed being a “part” of a team. Jump forward to CrossFit Bluegrass and that feeling of being a part of something, really more like a family, came into my life again. Gym friendships are the best. You see people at their best and their worst! It didn’t matter if you finished a workout first or last. Everyone was encouraging and truly wanted you to get better. I always scaled my workouts, but I never felt less than anyone else. It was a welcoming “community” that really cared for each other!
These experiences got me thinking…everyone should be able to have this feeling of community and belonging. All abilities should be able to have this experience in a safe and welcoming environment. All abilities should be able to work on their fitness, have it be individualized to their abilities, and all while having fun!
One day at the gym, I spoke to Jason about this “dream” and he was thinking the same thing! I truly believe God was a part of that first conversation. From there, conversations, brainstorming, certifications and LOTS of dreaming and praying has happened! We thought about our name for a long time and eventually decided on Rise. Rise is an acronym for Resilient, Infinite, Strong and Exceptional. This is a perfect description of our athletes.

Our first classes started at CrossFit Bluegrass in January 2022. We are thankful for so many people and families believing in our dream and supporting us. We started with a full class of awesome and amazing athletes. We also had volunteers come help us and we couldn’t do what we do without these selfless volunteers who show up every week. My son, Nick, has received his certification and is now a coach with us! We are now working out of Results by Design Fitness and continue to have support in our vision.

Jason and I are inspired by our athletes and I can honestly say it’s the highlight of our week. We continue to challenge them and they never say no to the challenge. I was once told to get comfortable being uncomfortable. When I do hard things, I remind myself of this. Our athletes practice this every week. They get uncomfortable but always have a smile on their face. This brings me back to what I’ve said before, what an inspiration and a gift to US to be able to witness. We are so proud of each of them.

Our classes are growing. Or should I say our dream is growing. Many prayers for Rise have been answered, but God has the best timing so we know many more will be answered. Jason and I love this community we have built, with lots of help, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds.
I will end with our group huddle our athletes say at the end of each class. WE ARE RESILIENT, INFINITE, STRONG AND EXCEPTIONAL! WE ARE RISE FITNESS!

-Coach Sarah