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Start Here

We are excited that you, or your athlete, are interested in joining Rise Fitness! In an effort to make the process easier on you, we have outlined the most important steps below. If at any point you get stuck, reach out to us and let us know.

Step One: Athlete Background Info

Athlete Background Information

The first step is for us to collect some preliminary background information. This gives us a better understanding of history, experience, diagnosis, etc. To begin, we ask that you complete the form located here.

Step 2: Athlete Assessment

Schedule an Athlete Assessment
If you have made it this far, you already have our contact information and we have been communicating about you, or your athlete, potentially joining Rise Fitness. The assessments typically last 45 minutes and are included in the overall session price.

To schedule an assessment, you will need to download the Rise Fitness mobile app and create an account. You will need one account for every athlete you plan to sign up.

After you have created a profile in our mobile app, you can then book an athlete assessment. We conduct athlete assessments on Sunday afternoons. View this PDF for instructions on how to book an assessment.

Step 3: What You Need On Day One

What You Need on Day One
Our training facility is indoors and temperature controlled. We recommend wearing comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. We also recommend bringing a bottle of water as well. We look forward to training with you or your athlete!